I guess before I start right in with today, I should fill you in on what has been going on for the last few years. It has been 5 years since I posted to this blog and if FB hadn't reminded me this past week about it, I wouldn't have ever remembered, I guess.
Its not that my memory is short, but life happens, and before we know it, we are caught up in other activities, and start a new page. However there are times when I walk to the kitchen wondering why I came and start to put milk in the pantry. I had a friend who once said, "its not that you are absent minded, you just have too many things on your mind." I choose to agree!
Back in July 2011, I was blogging about retirement, my husband had just retired and I was trying to live with it. It was for me an adjustment. He tried to renew his interest in fishing, I tried to go with him. I would take photos while out on the fishing pier of the sunset upon the water. It was nice to take a break. But "like sands thru the hourglass so are the days of our lives.."; hurricanes and weather changes left the pier almost out of water, and increased the beach under the pier, and the walk to get to water on the pier became long and hot. Fishing decreased and my hubby hasn't been fishing for nearly 2 years now. We have been in a drought for several years, and finally God has blessed us this year with abundance of rainfall. Hubby has learned to load and unload the dishwasher, make breakfast, even pancakes! He has also learned what can be washed in the DW and what cannot. He does his laundry, and has read dozens of books. He put together a great raised garden, and we have had fresh veggies from time to time. He even vacuums for me, but I haven't taught him to make the bed yet, nor clean the toilets. Oh well!!(big sigh)
In 2012, we took our first ever cruise, we went to Key West Florida, the Bahamas and back. It was interesting and fun. It was very interesting to learn about the different peoples and also to be a tourist in Key West, where we saw Ernest Hemingway's home, another light house along our shores, of which I am a fan, and went on a Pub Crawl to enjoy local refreshments...yum! Ever tried Conch salad? You wouldn't forget it. I didn't appreciate the delicacy, too tough. The cruise tho' was so much fun with all the shows and food and we were on deck 12 in the front of the ship, right by the sauna and hot tub, we could go in any time. We had a balcony where we drank coffee in the mornings, and watched the different ports come into view. It was during December so the weather was perfect.
2013 was highlighted by our first grandson's high school graduation, and acceptance into Texas A&M University in the Air Force Cadet Corps. That was a big year!! We were very proud of him! At the end of that year, I was given the opportunity to increase my Avon business by 4 times the size of it then. I advanced in 2014 to Rose Circle level of achievement, which meant, I sold over $40K that year!
2014 was also highlighted by our first ever trip to Disney World in February, courtesy of Avon, all expenses paid!!! and let's not forget our beautiful little Keely Rose Eddleman was born in May! By the summer, we took a vacation to Port A, along the coast to play, fish, and visit. It was a fun few days.
2015 was the year we took another Disney World trip a family one, this time for a whole 8 days. It was a fantastic time, filled with lots of fun, food and laughter. We need that memory as sadness, began to creep in upon us. Loss of a few family friends, one very nice man, husband to my friend Judy, loss of other friends, over the year, and great sadness over a marriage collapse.
2016 We are in the middle of, so far it has been highlighted with 2 beautiful granddaughter's high school graduations, and my learning to quilt. I promised them each a quilt for the grad. gift. I have made a few new friends, which was the reason I started selling Avon to begin with, over 20 years ago. Yet the great sadness hasn't lessened as we still deal with loss. Our world has become even more dangerous with the media highlighting violence, and death. We question our safety as we travel and pray for protection as the violence gets too close to home.
So I guess that catches me up! Can't wait for the next installment. Thanks for listening and hope you enjoyed reading.